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The Very high Speed Networks National Day

November 27, 2018

Date & location: 27-30 Nov 2018 at Rabat
Organizational Unit : IEEE Signal Processing Society Morocco Chapter

The IEEE Signal Processing chapter Morocco and the “Association des Jeunes Chercheurs en Informatique et Télécommunications” organized the Very High Speed Networks National Day on the 21st March 2918 at the “Centre National pour la Recherche Scientifique et Technique” auditorium.

This event was mainly destined to Phd Students.

Very high speed networks are defined as networks with a very important bandwidth that allows sending and receiving data (documents, photos, videos, etc.) in a very short time. In the case of Internet, for example, very high speed means a download connexion with a peak bandwidth superior to 30 megabits per second (European Union Definition).

These categories include Fiber To The Home subscriptions and Hybrid Fiber Coaxial Cable subscriptions. In Morocco, a high speed and very high speed development initiative (, on 10 years, has beed started in 2012 par the Moroccan government with a goal of generalizing access to quality telecommunications for the entire Moroccan population. This plan is divided in many steps :

1. Opening of the wifi band to operators

2. Generalizing the equipment of neighborhoods with optical fiber.

3. Adoption of legal measures for infrastructures.

The first keynote speaker for the event were Mounir GHOGHO, (bio: Senior Researcher at the University of Leeds/ Director of the International University of Rabat Research Laboratory, IEEE Fellow, “UK Royal Academy of Engineering Fellowship” in 2000, “IBM Faculty Award” Prize in 2013.
The first keynote was about “Technological future trends for wireless communications” : To satisfy the exponential demand of data mobile traffic, mobile networks of the future have to be designed for : (1) making the network closer to the user, principally with the network densification, (2) making the content closer to the user, while storing it at the border of the network using big data analytics, (3) having a fluid and elastic architecture, using “cloudification” of radio access and virtualization of network functions (4) exploiting high frequency bands.

The second keynote speaker was Ahmed KHAOUJA (bio : Founder and CEO fo PTT company (Promotion des Télécoms et des Tics), and magazines, Former Director of Telecommunications Operators Competition (??) At the “Agence Nationale de Réglementation des Télécommunications” and originally Télécom Paris Tech Engineer.
The keynote was about “Optical Fiber in Morocco: Technologies and regulations”. Ahmed KHAOUJA stressed FTTH (Fiber To The Home) as economic development engine, and accelerator for very high speed networks deployment for all. The 3 telecommunications operators in Morocco are engaged in FTTH realization in Morocco. FTTH besides LTE will contribute in generalizing very high speed networks in Morocco by 2022. As accompanying measure, Morocco will have to adapt its laws to help operators in FTTH deployment. The government will also intervene to finance in case of need, the realization of FTTH projects in unprofitable regions for operators.

The 3rd keynote was given by Abdelouahed JRAIFI (bio :, Researcher in Mobile Telecommunications, and author of the book “Quel Maroc ? Le très haut débit d’ici 2022” (Dar Assalam editions)
The keynote was about “Morocco and very high speed networks by 2022”.
During the talk, the necessity of very high speed networks was stressed for multiple reasons: the economy, the moroccan regions and the citizens. This is why the leaders have to be conscious of this fact since that it is one of the levers for social and economical transformation acceleration in our country. The speaker tried to present as simply as possible in the lecture some concepts linked to very high speed networks.

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