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IEEE CiSt'16 Award

Nur Azaliah Abu Bakar and Harihodin Selamat

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Enterprise Architecture Implementation Model: Measurement from Experts and Practitioner Perspectives

ANLP Session Award

Tachicart Ridouane, Bouzoubaa Karim and Jaafar Hamid

Mohammadia school of Engineers Rabat, Morocco
Lexical Differences and Similarities between Moroccan Dialect and Arabic

ESYS Session Award

Labib Sadek Terrissa, Safa Meraghni, Zahra Bouzidi and Noureddine Zerhouni

LINFI Laboratory, University of Biskra, Algeria
A New Approach of PHM as a Service in Cloud Computing

OMCS Session Award

Miguel Kpakpo and Mhamed Itmi

Normandy University, INSA, LITIS, France
A MAS model for O&M Cost simulation and optimization : case of a wind power operator

ELED Session award

Naoual Boukil, Abdelali Ibriz

Faculty of Science and Technology, Fez Morocco
A MAS Model for Virtual Labs based on Cloud Computing

SCIS Session Award

Aziz Mahboub, Mounir Arioua, El Mokhtar En-Naimi, Imad Ez-Zazi and Ahmed El Oualkadi

FST Tangier Morocco
Multi-zonal approach Clustering based on Stable Election Protocol in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks

IMP Session Award

Omar Herouane, Lahcen Moumoun, Mohamed Chahhou and Taoufiq Gadi

Laboratory IIMSC, Univiversity Hassan 1st, FST Settat, Morocco
An automatic framework for 3D objects-parts Learning
To recognize the very best, of the submitted papers, outstanding technical contributions, as evidenced by the quality of papers, their presentations, and their technical excellence, IEEE CIST 2016 will award best doctoral paper awards, one for the main conference and one for each of the invited sessions.  The award includes a certificate suitable for framing. The authors of each best paper award will be recognized at the conference gala banquet.


Five papers from each of the main conference and the invited sessions will be nominated for the best doctoral paper award. The nominations will be made by the corresponding session chairs, and the nominated papers will be drawn from the top 10 papers in the session based on the reviews scores. 


Any paper accepted in the main conference or in one of the invited sessions, with the exception that program committee chairs and session chairs are not eligible for a best doctoral paper award in their own session. In addition: 
  • The main author of the paper should be a PhD student.
  • The main author of each of the five semi-finalist papers is required to attend the conference and present their paper in its corresponding session.
  • A panel of judges will judge each paper on the presenting author’s effective oral presentation, and on the quality, and technical merit, of the paper itself.


The panel of judges constitutes an independent best doctoral paper awards committee (with one member representing each session). It is formed to evaluate the nominated papers and vote to determine the best papers (one per session) as the winners of the best doctoral paper awards. Representatives to the best paper awards committee are appointed by the conference chairs before papers are nominated for an award, and it will be ensured that no member of the best paper awards committee was being considered for a best paper award. The voting process is anonymous and the votes will be tallied and verified by the chair of the best paper awards committee and the IEEE CIST 2016 conference chairs.

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